August 19, 2005

Dumb C Contest

The dark horses...entering a competition with sleepy eyes...not interested in the proceedings...and leaving the battleground 200 bucks richer and a second place to boot.

That kinda sums up my experience today at the Marquity Dumb Charades competition. We (Mansur, Pradeep and me) entered just for the heck of it. It was a bit unfair too coz we finished second by just a second. we guessed in 10 seconds and the winners in 9 seconds. But gracious second placers that we are, we accepted it gleefully.

We also probably guessed the maximum number of charades when we were tied up for the qualifiers to the final with Ankit and team and the tie-break went to three rounds!!! It was also a unique tie-break wherein a tie-break was played on two different scores. Anyways doesn't matter now that it is over. it was close on many occassions during that tie-break and i guess it was the most exciting and nailbiting situation of the day.

Hip hip Hooray!!! Hip hip Hooray!!!Hip hip Hooray!!!

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